Monthly Archives: March 2016

A varied income stream is not an issue!

Learn to think smart. Distraught Ms B was referred to us by her insurance broker after her home loan application for an investment property was declined by her own bank. Ms B is a freelance music teacher at a private school. Her income varies as the students number vary from term to term and during school holidays there is no income. After a proper consultation a good motivation and the correct presentation of the proof of income, In House Bond Brokers was able to prove her affordability. Not only did we secure a 100% bond for her at her own [...]

A varied income stream is not an issue!2019-10-25T14:13:15+02:00

Across The Nations

My success is no accident. Referred by a friend Mrs C was dubious she would qualify for a bond in South Africa. As a foreigner living in South Africa on a retirement visa she does not earn an income. To complicate the matter her husband works in Angola every 5 weeks resulting in a varied income stream. To top it all he earns pounds and works for an American company! In House Bond Brokers secured a home loan and they made South Africa their home. What an amazing feeling to assist foreigners who are positive about South Africa and want [...]

Across The Nations2019-08-21T14:53:21+02:00

“To declare or not to declare?” – SARS vs the bank

Focus on being compliant. As a Self Employed individual, I have on many occasions shared the frustration of my clients when applying for a home loan. Why would a self- employed individual be seen as a higher risk by the Banks? Surely a self-employed individual could reduce expenses or move to smaller premises in a time of crisis? Some Banks even have a risk weighting for self- employed individuals. The Receiver of Revenue provides the self-employed individual several tax deductions such as telephone deductions, entertainment and rent to name but a few. Actual repayment ability might therefore not correspond with the [...]

“To declare or not to declare?” – SARS vs the bank2019-10-23T11:39:20+02:00
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